The ability to gain academic knowledge about the world is one of the two wings necessary for a child to achieve Human Excellence. The other wing is the development of good Character.
Enriched Learning
Sathya Sai School provides students with an enriched learning environment. Our dedicated, highly trained and creative teachers are imbued with a passion for learning. They assist each child to develop their concentration, perception, analysis, intuition and creativity, which enable them to learn and master all expectations of the Ministry of Ontario Curriculum.

Sathya Sai School students have achieved impressive results on the provincial EQAO examinations and have been ranked #1 among elementary schools in Ontario by the Fraser Institute since 2006. The Sathya Sai School has had 100% of its students score equal to or above the provincial standard (Level 3 and 4) on both the grade 3 and grade 6 EQAO provincial examinations.
Students gain in-depth knowledge and skills in Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, French, Physical & Health Education, Music, Drama and Yoga. In addition, special programs provide additional learning opportunities that enhance their self-confidence and shape them for future success.

Special Features

Annual Science Fair
Students’ explore the realm of Science through Science Projects, which allow them to unlock the wondrous world of nature. Science projects stimulate the development of students’ critical thinking skills and research methods. Their hypotheses and conclusions are presented in eye-catching displays that include photos, data, graphs, models, organic and inorganic substances. The projects allow students to enhance their communication skills, as they practice presenting their findings to a stream of onlookers at the Science Fair. In addition to the scientific component of the projects, students add a ‘value connection’ that links their scientific findings with human values.
All students in grades 1 to 8 are required to create a science project. The focus for Primary grades is on research studies or building models to depict their topic. For the Junior and Intermediate grades, students are expected to conduct an experiment, following the steps of the scientific method. This includes: asking a question, doing research, making a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis with an experiment, analyzing the data, drawing a conclusion, and then giving an oral presentation of the results.
Over the years, science projects allow students to gradually become more proficient and comfortable with the process of scientific inquiry, while they develop observational methods, data analysis, logic, writing, and public speaking skills.

Science Lab
The Science Lab offers students first-hand learning experience of the physical world. The learning of science requires that students can handle and observe materials, studying their actions and reactions. Students can then record data, analyze results and draw conclusions.
In addition to the information and concepts taught following the Science curriculum, the Science Lab equipment allows students to perform experiments on their own, which helps them hone their thinking skills and understand the methodology of science. Working in the Science Lab thus develops a deeper interest in Science and helps prepare our students to become future scientists, researchers and doctors.
Public Speaking Contest
The annual Public Speaking Contest generates great enthusiasm and effort in students. For several weeks prior, students research their topics, write and re-write speeches, memorize their words, practise voice modulation, expression, and body gestures. The end result is always impressive, as finalists from grades 1 to 6 deliver their speeches with poise and polish. Grade 7 and 8 students are given the additional challenge of presenting Extempore Speeches – topics are drawn by chance and then speeches have to be delivered with only 20 minutes of preparation time.
Topics for all grades cover a wide variety of subjects, and student speeches reveal a depth of understanding, compassion, interesting facts, conviction, imagination and humour. The students draw their inspiration from a combination of the class curriculum, research, and the discussion of human values that accompanies all learning at the school.
The Public Speaking Contest helps to develop in all students a crucial skill that will serve them throughout their lives and contribute towards success in life and the ability to inspire others.

Computer Lab
Computers have become an essential part of life today, and learning computer skills is most important for a student’s future work. The lab supplements the class curriculum, allowing students to do follow-up research. Students learn basic and advanced programs that improve the presentation of homework and allow for teamwork on projects.
The Computer Lab at school also provides equitable access to computers for all students in the school. For some students, this is their main opportunity to work on a computer. Even though most homes have computers, these may need to be shared by parents and siblings, leaving little or no access time for some family members.
Coding and Robotics classes utilize the Computer Lab for the growing popularity of this field. The STEAM program runs from our youngest grades to our oldest. Younger students begin with simple visual-based programming using pre-made robots to navigate simple challenges. From this point, they move on to assembling a robot from a kit and programming it using command-line based languages. Our higher level program also includes an independent coding course that teaches students the basics of Python: A popular language widely used as a first step in learning coding.

Presentations at School Assemblies
Students in all grades are encouraged to make presentations at school-wide assemblies. These may be on special holidays, festivals, human values or academic subjects. Presentations are done through skits, slides, videos, speeches, dance, music, and/or song. These provide another avenue for students to develop skills and self-confidence.
Year-End Concerts
This very popular annual event showcases the talents of students. Teachers together with their students create class performances, combining drama, song, dance, and/or music around a common theme. Known talents of students are given an avenue of expression, while hidden talents of others are seen to blossom.
For several weeks in December, the whole school is abuzz with the practice of skits, songs, dance, instrumental music and the making of costumes and stage props. The results are always very impressive and inspiring, and the event brings together the whole school community.

Photography Club
Below are photographs taken by some of our grade 8 students. Mr. Dev Taneja gives students online Sunday classes in basic photography.

Triple Partnership
Triple partnership is at the core of Sathya Sai School, which includes teachers, parents and volunteers – all helping the child at the centre of this partnership, to grow and develop. Each and every component of this partnership does its best to help the student grow physically, mentally, psychologically and spiritually.
Teachers, parents, and volunteers work together to prepare and facilitate many school events, such as the Year-End Concert, Science Fair, Sports Day, and Graduations.